February 17, 2011

Olhares Romenos Sobre Lisboa

imagini aici 

Expozitia include 100 de lucrari ale profesorilor si absolventilor Scolii de Poetica Fotografica Francisc Mraz, realizate in urma a doua excursii fotografice in Portugalia - in aprilie si septembrie 2010. Expun: Cornel Brad, Lucian Bibo, Corina Constantinescu, Razvan Bumbes, Andrei Contiu, Iulia Dumitru, Stefan Dumitru, Carmen Ionita, Gyuri Ilinca, Cristina Irian, Andrei Mita, Mirela Momanu, Francisc Mraz, Silviu Pavel, Mirona Radu, Dragos Rapeanu, Raul Tanislav, Sabina Ulubeanu. Fotografiile vor fi expuse intre 3 si 17 martie 2011 la Faculdade de Letras, iar intre 10 si 21 martie 2011, la Instituto Camoes din Lisabona. Un lot aparte de sase fotografii apartinind lui Radu Angheloiu, Stefan Dumitru, Cristian Fetter, Cristina Irian, Bogdan Oprea si Sabina Ulubeanu vor fi expuse in cadrul unei manifestari care va reuni imagini din capitalele participante la sarbatorile francofoniei. Expozitia a fost realizata cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Roman din Lisabona. Fotografia de pe afis: Razvan Bumbes

February 16, 2011


   Bodega has a special role in a small community’s day to day life. It’s not only a place to meet, have a drink and leave: people meet here to debate the life that they have. It’s full of conviviality, but in the same time is an intimate place where one can escape from sorrows and problems. You can see different faces, different moods,  different expressions and find different stories, all in one place – the spot that attracts everyone from the village. With one beer, a bit of your time and a camera you can discover a part of someone’s world. Time just stops for a moment and things come naturally. 

February 11, 2011

the pig charmers

     Somewhere lost in the South of Romania, we can find a place called Pecineaga - Dobrogea, where the reminisces of the so called state agricultural enterprise (IAS) are still visible. These IAS were farm lands aiming to fulfill the plan of the communist state of welfare. After 20 years and the decay of the regime they are lost in memories, but Pecineaga IAS still tries to be revived by the presence of a small community living in a strange harmony: dogs, donkeys, pigs, children, men and women.

'the pig charmers' essay link here